Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Happy New Year everyone! I hope 2017 brings you and your loved ones laughter, joy and amazing opportunities. School resumes this week and so does learning about STEM subjects.  Children will  have the opportunity to learn about the  exciting things and ideas that the world has to offer. I remember, when I was younger, I loved watching science experiments.  I loved all of them; the  simple ones like making putty or complex like watching a chemical reaction happen between copper sulfate and zinc. However, not all children have the same appreciation for science as I do. Although this is perfectly okay, we should give each child the same chance to experience these subjects. One way to introduce the "S" in STEM is to try science experiments at home! Below are a couple links to super fun and easy projects!

STEM subjects can be seen as difficult and not interesting, however, you should give them a chance.